Thursday 4 July 2013

Busy day

Hi everyone

I am much better now, thanks for asking

Today i have had a busy day, first i had to get up early so i could go down town with my mum and baby brother, we went in many shops, i bought a new jacket and two new tops.

When we finally got in, i made two quiches, for my dad birthday tomorrow, my first time making them and i think they look ok i will put pic tomorrow before they are eaten and before everyone is dead.

Now i am worn out so i am going to watch tv for the rest of the night.

Bye guys

1 comment:

  1. Okay Grant, I am going to introduce to you this magical new key. It's called a comma. As you can see, I've already used two of them. I'm begging you; please use them in your paragraphs. I need to know when to take a breath as I read them out to Heather while stopping myself from laughing at you having to 'bet up' so you can go 'in lots of shop'
    Thank you,
    Your amazing grammar nazi friend,
